CASA Community Liaison

Purpose: To ensure that families Boston CASA serves have access to trained community members who have cultural, linguistic, and experiential affinities with them so that family voices are valued in decision making and planning. Therefore, we are continuing to seek community collaboration through this role to improve Boston CASA’s diversity and representation of the community and to increase our understanding of the current challenges facing the communities we serve. We are also looking to ensure that our CASAs have access to resources around complex systems that they might be working in during their time with CASA. Volunteers with background in navigating these systems will be recruited to help support current CASAs during their case.

Description: The CASA Community Liaison position is an opportunity for a Suffolk or Middlesex County resident to be an ongoing volunteer at Boston CASA. The CASA Community Liaison is intended to be a valuable member of the CASA team but will not require the volunteer to appear in court, nor require the number of hours that a traditional CASA role may demand. This position will operate behind the scenes consulting with the Advocate Supervisors and CASA in providing insight in order to support the children and families CASAs work with.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Complete required CASA training and adhere to confidentiality practices
  • Consult with CASA Advocate Supervisors and CASAs on specific cases as the Community Liaison.
  • If applicable: Limited translation between families (bio and/or foster parents) and CASA representatives
  • Represent Boston CASA at community and CASA events and functions.

Consulting on cases:

This consultation will provide a culturally specific lens that CASAs can use when building relationships with families and youth. The CCL can also provide context and perspective to the CASAs about cultural norms and the impact that they could have on a case.

Community Liaisons can also provide expertise on navigating complex systems like the education system or medical systems.

If interested in this opportunity, please reach out to Charly Snellings at